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Silent Before Dawn. Shh.

Enlightenment. Visualizing. Brewed Steaming Black Coffee by the desk with laptop's fan spinning puffs of wind out of the compartment. Estrella's lazy jazzy songs softly caressing my ears in the background. Night without daylight white noise is......spongy stubborn. Screen radiating tender glows of moonlight. Ohya, assignment attended too. Fingerprints piano-ing carbonized dark keyboard. Time hanging by the edge of speed 3 ceiling fan. Rustling of roommate's breath. Vivid? Perhaps.


Sometime We Need To Slow Down Our Steps And Take A Look Of Our Surrounding

Movie Watching:The Fly and The Fly 2

苍蝇人(The Fly,又译苍蝇/变蝇人)是个1986年的老片子,经常见到有人提起它,却一直没有看过,印象中是部小经典的科幻恐怖片。没想到影片如此震撼,两部都令人动容。



科学家的状况一天比一天糟糕,牙齿、指甲、皮肤通通脱落流脓,肌肉大块大块烂掉,里面长出苍蝇的躯体,与此同时他开始逐渐失去人性。看着镜中的自己,曾经拥有美丽的女友和最伟大的发明,曾经前途无量,然而现在他的头脑和灵魂还在,身体却是苍蝇,他告诉女友要她离开永远别回来,因为也许自己会伤害她,听到女友远去的脚步声他又陷入痛苦绝望,他的爱已经永远无法表达---我想起了经典的Edward Scissorhand

更不幸的是女记者发现自己怀孕了,而且是带有苍蝇基因的胎儿,惊恐中她去堕胎,得知消息的苍蝇人在最后一刻赶来,女友哭着说自己没有选择,他低下头不停重复“too bad,too bad”看到那无比悲伤、心碎的眼神,我觉得他太可怜了,谁说这是科幻恐怖片?从头到尾都是爱情悲剧。苍蝇人这个角色从诞生的时刻开始,就注定了自己的悲哀。


看过太多爱情童话,结局往往是美好的,而且总在试图告诉人们,外表并不重要,心灵才是最可贵。可是,当一切成为现实时,没有童话,只有噩梦。别以为爱可以化解魔法,爱得再深,也只有用枪声结束曾经的刻骨铭心。这一点和《KingKong》的结局不谋而合。再想起苍蝇人,我已经忘了他的可怖,象《Edward Scissorhand》一样,记住的只有悲伤。

《The Fly》2围绕女记者生下的孩子马汀展开故事。马汀跟他的父亲一样友善、腼腆,并且更聪明。他在实验室里长大,被那些人表面友好、实际却把他当成实验品。开始马汀是正常人,想继续他父亲事业的人都失败了,只有他成功并且还找到了替换DNA的方法。那些人用马汀的金毛狗偷偷做实验,看到狗狗被折磨成半死不活的痛苦怪物时,马汀哭了。




科学家和他漂亮的女朋友(The Fly)
Movie Watch: How Do You Remake The Fly Twice? Ask Cronenberg
完全变形。(The Fly)

孩子出生啦!(The Fly 2)
Like Father, like son =.=(The Fly 2)

[HD]My Girlfriend Is A Gumiho OST - Fox Rain MV

Mum mum. tummy empty d.

Movie Watching: Splice

Staring the youngest Oscar Winner Adrien Brody, directed by Vincenzo Natali and his friend Guillermo del Toro(Bravo for his imagination!). Eventhough theme of "Splice" sounds cliche, this, is surprisingly twisted. Yes, the genetic and human cloning issue is no longer an unknown topic to the public. Yes, splicing of human DNA and Animal DNA used to be debated across it's morality stance. But this movie? No, they talked about the possibilities of the outcome. What is science without religious guidance, or from the starting point, Ethics of the creator, you might ask? Well while I am watching this movie,I can't help flashing back to a 1986 movie called "The Fly". (You know, Elsa the female scientist was pregnant by that monster. That's the sequel starting point, i guess.) Kinda scraping horror elements from the past, except that the graphic technologies improves a lot.

Lots of space for the audience to weight in. Giving name to the Specimen(adding in human characteristic); Contradiction among protagonists. Baking Old Greek mythology (having sex with the mother and kill his/her father to end the tale) That's why I said, it's heavy but without pleasure. Your sight is blurred by the spiky emotional and moral grotesque, that kinda dark pleasure.

Loneliness, poor Dren. She(or he? she changed her gender into male at the end of the movie) followed the sequence of evolution and learned from her parents through observing every single action. (Can't imagine to have a kid like this) What is her purpose of living in this world? To apply makeup and wear beautiful clothes? To play around with a kitten? We won't know.

"Splice"Movie Poster 1

"Splice"Movie Poster 2

Adrien Brody

Rating: 7.0/10.0